Tag whistleblowing

The Grand Sham and how it was enabled


The Grand Sham (and how it was enabled) In the old days, writes ethics expert Jane Arnott, a ‘C’ on a school report was often accompanied by the comment ‘more effort needed’. When the NZX issued their initial discussion document…

Ethical reports plunge in 2021

ethical reports

Ethical reports plunge in 2021 Due to the effects of the global pandemic, organisational ethical reports have plunged – especially in Asia That’s according to a report from Navex which finds a global decline in ethical report numbers – the…

Loyalty; A tricky little beast

Speaking up often comes down to managing loyalty. And if loyalty was an animal it would be unpredictable at best. At once nimble and intuitive but under pressure transformed to snarl and spit. That’s because at the heart of being…

3 key takeaways from whistleblowing benchmark report

business reporting

It’s positive results across the board, with reports up, whistleblowers using more channels than ever, and companies handling reports better than they ever have before… A new report reveals a changing reporting landscape with both employers and their staff taking…

Let’s talk money


Business ethics experts Jane Arnott on the place of incentivisation in whistleblowing… Last week the US Securities and Exchange Commission awarded $114 million to a whistleblower.   It was a decision that fired up the international ethics and compliance community. The…

A kango hammer of criticism

On a bad day, even a tap on the shoulder can seem like a kango hammer of criticism. That’s the problem with internal speak up lines. Bad days happen and not everyone can handle, with reason and calm, feedback that…