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Encouraging ethical behaviour in the Australian workplace

Transparency and ethical practices save Australian businesses billions every year.  Discover an independent reporting system that will save money and cut fraud losses in half.

Report It Now® can equip Australian businesses with support, tools, and education to promote an honest and ethical workplace.

We are committed to working with you and your business to form a positive workplace culture. Research shows us that an independent and confidential whistleblowing hotline, or web-based system, minimises the risk of unethical behaviour in the workplace (bullying, fraud, etc).

Our reporting hotline is paired with support, knowledge and ongoing analysis to help achieve an ethical environment for your employees. This system encourages employees to report unethical behaviour in a secure, confidential manner.

Need advice managing the impact of unethical behaviour in the workplace?


Secure, Anonymous, Easy

Australian employees use EthicsPro® to report unethical conduct in their workplace. All information is transferred through our Case Management System to protect individuals, improve company protocols, resolve complaints, and create ethical workplaces in Australia.

Changes to Whistleblowing Laws

Using EthicsPro®, Report It Now Australia verifies that your organisation complies with the Corporations Act’s whistleblowing requirements.

43 %

of occupational frauds were detected by a tip

5 %

of an organisations revenue is estimated to be lost due to fraud each year

56 %

more likely for employees to gather tips if organisations implement fraud awareness training



Contact our Australian team with any queries you have through the form or contact button.