How it works
Workplace environments with open, transparent, and positive codes of conduct encourage their employees to excel. Organisations which safeguard the well-being of their employees, and have procedures and policies in place to prevent unethical conduct, are also less at risk from dishonest and fraudulent behaviour.
Report It Now® provides organisations with an effective system to prevent unethical conduct. Operating independently from your internal processes, we empower your employees to report suspected wrongdoing for the benefit of your business.
Why it works
Studies show that disclosures and fraud reporting by employees is the most effective method of fraud detection and that employee ‘tip offs’ are more likely to detect fraud ahead of internal and external audits. Organisations which, through unequivocal leadership, foster a workplace culture of transparency, aided by a reporting system such as Report It Now®, will have a higher success rate of preventing the effects of dishonest behaviour, than organisations which don’t.
EthicsPro®, Report It Now‘s Case Management System, is an effective disclosure management software which allows your employees to report unethical conduct in the workplace. Businesses that have implemented a robust reporting system have found a lower – or non-existent – level of dishonest and unethical behaviour among their staff, while significantly improving trust and confidence in their organisation.
Furthermore, one of the greatest benefits to organisations of having a whistleblowing system in place is that employees realise dishonest behaviour that can impact on all facets of a business, is taken seriously. By implementing a system, such as EthicsPro®, incidents are dealt with by rigorous assessment, investigation, and ultimately, action.
Report It Now’s independent and secure system (EthicsPro®) enables your employees to report suspected corrupt, unethical, dishonest or inappropriate behaviour as it occurs in the workplace.
EthicsPro® operates separately from your organisation and, manages and tracks reports via our secure website. Importantly, EthicsPro® allows companies to remain compliant with the acts and laws within your jurisdiction.
Safeguard your organisation
Organisations with a fraud reporting hotline reduced internal theft and fraud by up to 50% through early detection and the deterrence effect created by the presence of an external system.
Boost organisational culture
Positive workplace culture helps to enhance company reputation while improving employee and customer satisfaction. Our service promotes integrity and is tailored to your organisation’s code of conduct.
Monitor trends
EthicsPro® enables us to provide incident and periodic reports that will assist you and your management team in defining trends in fraudulent behaviour or high risk areas.
Ensure legislative compliance
We assist your company or organisation to comply with the legislative requirements of your jurisdiction.
Risk management
Reducing risk of any kind is paramount to the success of an organisation. Businesses with an internal fraud reporting hotline reduced internal theft and fraud by up to 50% through early detection. The deterrence effect created by the presence of an independent reporting system has considerable benefits to your organisation.
The confidential and secure nature of EthicsPro® provides accessibility and trust by employees, contractors and other parties working at all levels.
What’s more, it helps you remain compliant with the act in your jurisdiction.
An early warning system
Establishing policies and procedures in relation to ethics management can have a strong behavioural effect among employees. By safeguarding confidentiality with an independent reporting hotline, staff are prepared to raise the alarm early to prevent fraudulent and dishonest activity.
Workplace bullying
Bullying affects business productivity and is a workplace hazard. Implementing a system which allows for staff to anonymously report undesirable behaviour can reduce the incidence rate of bullying and make for a healthier and more productive work environment.
Safety in the workplace
Educating staff on health and safety in the workplace is essential for providing a risk-free environment. Report It Now® enables your staff to report unsafe behaviour before it becomes a significant risk to your business and employees.
Visible ethical practice
Employees are now rating ethical practices as highly important in their willingness to work for or stay at a company. Implementing EthicsPro® demonstrates your organisation’s commitment to upholding professional conduct in the workplace and encourages best practice (Ernst Young Asia Pacific Fraud Study 2015).
Independent and impartial
Research shows employees are more likely to report unethical behaviour via an independent and confidential service. Staffed by an external, impartial third-party, Report It Now® gives employees multiple ways to report misconduct as it is witnessed.
Trustworthy and anonymous
EthicsPro® enables employees to feel comfortable and confident about reporting unethical behaviour knowing their identity will remain anonymous (if they wish). This significantly reduces the risk to your organisation imposed by unethical activity.
Responding and reporting
Report It Now® provides concise quarterly reports to your ethics committee or nominated company representative(s). We also provide advice, interpretation and recommendations on data and benchmarking across similar industries, enabling you to identify potential trends affecting your organisation.
Privacy and data security
Report It Now® operates with a secure server and web storage facility which protects any information disclosed by the reporter about the incident and your organisation. We also have a privacy policy that does not disclose any personal information without employee consent.
Adapting to employee preferences
Employees are more likely to report unethical behaviour and wrongdoing if they have a choice in how they do it. Report It Now® makes it easy with a 24-hour phone hotline, text messaging, mail and online form.
Risk evaluation
Report It Now® will evaluate the risks to your organisation of dishonesty and misconduct in the workplace.
Needs assessment
Based on our detailed analysis, we will recommend a range of effective strategies specific to your organisation’s ethical needs.
Policy development
Working collaboratively, we will develop your organisation’s ethics and integrity guidelines, including establishing an internal whistleblowing policy.
Staff training
We will train and assist your ethics committee to ensure full compliance with your jurisdiction requirements.
Service promotion
We will develop awareness materials to help your ethics committee promote and educate your staff about our whistleblowing service.
Ongoing analysis
To maintain ethics and minimise instances of unethical behaviour, we will provide ongoing monitoring and reporting analysis.
In your business
Our independent, secure reporting system is designed to enable employees to report on dishonest and inappropriate behaviour in the workplace as it occurs. However, we understand every business has unique requirements. That is why we tailor the service to meet the specific dynamics of your organisation.
The cost of utilising our service is minimal when compared to the financial impact of fraudulent or unethical activity in your organisation.

Understanding your business needs
Our team listens carefully to understand your business before launching the Report It Now® service. This robust, knowledge-gathering stage enables us to tailor the service to your needs before the programme is introduced to staff. We will then work alongside any nominated representative to ensure correct implementation of the service.

Developing awareness material
Communicating the benefits of using Report It Now® to your staff is vital. We recommend using joint branding on all collateral. All material supplied by us has clear reference to the website and phone service. We will also ensure material is suitable for relevant contractors, suppliers and stakeholders.

Reporting and tracking incidents
Using EthicsPro® allows individuals who have reported an incident to remain anonymous, if they choose. Each report is assigned a confidential ID number allowing the reporter to track the progress of their report. Full details of each report are provided to your company’s representative within 24 hours.