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Make a report

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independent hotline


Australian business who utilise EthicsPro®, our bespoke and unique case management system, can click below to make a report online!

Make a report

Misconduct, fraudulent behaviour and dishonesty can affect your organisation. Our whistleblowing service allows Australian businesses to report any incident anonymously and securely.

Once an incident is reported it will be investigated by an independent Report It Now® Protected Disclosure Officer. We continue to inform you of progress throughout each stage. Your company’s Report It Now® representative will be notified of issues reported.

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How to make a report

Utilising EthicsPro®, our secure and confidential reporting system, it’s simple to make a report.

How to make a report

The process

Report It Now® is an independent organisation that works with Australian companies to foster honest, ethical workplaces. This benefits not only the business but helps you – the employee. Research shows that organisations that have systems and protocols in place, in particular an independent hotline, have significantly increased the awareness/reporting of unethical behaviour.