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What happens once I make a report?

After you have submitted your report, one of Report It Now’s Protected Disclosure Officers will liaise with you using our specially developed “cognitive interview templates” to assess if more information is required.  The report will then be submitted to your Company’s Ethics Committee – who will review the case and investigate accordingly.  You can track your case to liaise with the Ethics Committee at any stage by logging in with your unique tracking code here

Will I be identified?

No, not if you don’t wish to be. Our reporting system allows you to report an incident securely, confidentially, and anonymously. You will only be identified if you specifically ask to be.

Will this service cost me?

No, there is no cost to you for reporting an incident.

How long will this process take after I make a report?

As soon as the Report It Now’s Protected Disclosure Officers have all the information required, your report will be submitted to your Organisation’s Ethics Committee, this will usually be within 2 hours of you making your submission.  You can expect to hear back from your Organisation within 24 hours of making a submission, however, the length of time it takes for the incident to be resolved is dependent on each case.

Will my manager know that I have reported someone?

No. As indicated above, you are able to remain completely anonymous if you wish. Research has shown people are more likely to report fraudulent and dishonest behaviour if they are confident they will be unidentified. Report It Now™ has found this to be the most effective system of reporting.