For those utilising EthicsPro®, our bespoke and unique case management system, you can click below to make a report!
Note: This is for businesses who have been introduced to EthicsPro® – our latest software.
Dishonest or fraudulent behaviour occurring in your workplace can affect your organisation. Report It Now’s whistleblowing service allows you to report any incident securely, confidentially and anonymously.
Once reported, the incident will be investigated by an independent Report It Now™ Protected Disclosure Officer and your company’s Report It Now™ representative will be made aware of the issue. You will be kept informed throughout each stage of the process.
Quick help
How to make a report
As we progress over to our new software, EthicsPro®, it is important we provide you as much help as possible to ensure this transition is smooth for everyone.
The process
Report It Now™ is an independent organisation which works with companies to foster honest workplace environments. This is as much for the benefit of the business as it is for you – the employee. Research has shown organisations which have a system in place, in particular an independent hotline, have significantly increased the detection of dishonest behaviour.