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Report It Now™ Launches Enterprise Ethical Reporting Platform in Australia

Whistleblower tech company introduces user-friendly SaaS ethical reporting solution for Australian organisations

Report It Now™, a global provider of ethical reporting services, has officially launched its operations in Australia, introducing its acclaimed software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform to the market. EthicsPro® aims to assist organisations of all sizes in navigating the complex and often uncertain regulatory landscape surrounding whistleblowing and ethical conduct in the country.

Recent high-profile cases have highlighted the risk and uncertainty faced by organisations aiming to maintain ethical operations and support those who speak out about wrongdoing in the workplace. 

“With the Australian launch of Report It Now™ AU and the EthicsPro® platform, organisations in Australia will be better equipped to manage ethical reporting in this uncertain environment,” said Craig McFarlane, director of Report It Now™.

“We’re helping Australian organisations protect themselves and their employees by providing compliant and effective anonymous whistleblowing channels, delivering ongoing ethical training for staff, and creating meaningful codes of ethics that genuinely help foster a culture of accountability.”

A recent survey conducted by The Australia Institute found that “an overwhelming majority of Australians (84%) support stronger legal protection for whistleblowers”.

And incident reports are increasing. The number of whistleblower reports submitted to ASIC surged by 194% from FY2019 to FY2021, from 278 to 817 twelve months later.

Report It Now’s flagship EthicsPro® product provides organisations with a complete solution for ethical reporting. It offers confidential 24/7 hotlines where employees can anonymously report workplace misconduct and receive one-to-one support from trained staff. The platform automates case management, ensuring discreet handling of reports by dedicated teams during investigations. It also provides automated benchmarking, analytics, and seamless access across mobile, desktop, and tablet devices.

“The launch of Report It Now™ and the EthicsPro® platform in Australia addresses a critical need for organisations looking to effectively manage ethical reporting, navigate regulatory uncertainties, mitigate risks, and foster open, honest workplaces,” says Greg Dunn, fellow director at Report It Now™.

“In light of cases like Richard Boyle—the ATO whistleblower facing decades in prison, and David McBride, a former military lawyer sentenced to jail for exposing alleged war crimes—it’s clear that embracing transparency and accountability at an organisation-wide level is not just ethical; it’s essential for risk management and organisational health.”

There is a growing call for more robust whistleblower protections in Australia. While there have been several attempts at reform by the federal government to enhance protections across public and private sectors, as Boyle and McBride’s cases show, Australians who speak up against wrongdoing in the public sector often do so at their peril. 

“There also needs to be serious action taken at the enterprise level,” says Dunn. “By listening to those who speak up about wrongdoing in our organisation, and by protecting their identity and explicitly preventing reprisals, we build stronger, more ethical organisations, and protect those organisations from the financial and reputational risk that so often accompanies the failure to support those who tell the truth.”

“In 2024, as public expectations for corporate integrity increase, having a structured, managed approach to ethics is vital for organisational resilience, risk mitigation, and maintaining stakeholder trust in an increasingly scrutinised business environment,” says Dunn. 

According to the 2020 Report to the Nations by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, implementing an independent ethics reporting system like EthicsPro can reduce fraud losses by approximately 50 per cent.

Founded in 2007, Report It Now™ has helped organisations across the globe cultivate open, honest workplaces free from bullying, fraud and harassment. To learn more about how RIN AU and EthicsPro® can support ethical behaviour in the workplace, contact us for a free, confidential assessment.