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New Zealand
There are red flags aplenty in how the founders of Zuru aim to hunt down dissenting voices. If successful in uncovering details of the individuals involved, the actions of NZ’s famous toy family will set a precedent that will have…
New Zealand’s Protected Disclosures (Protection of Whistleblowers) Act 2022 is now law. It increases protections for whistleblowers and extends the grounds under which protected disclosures can be made. The key changes in the Protected Disclosures (Protection of Whistleblowers) Act 2022…
In 30 seconds…your fresh choice under the Protected Disclosures Act 2022 Fear of retaliation is one thing. The ability to walk away, to become morally disengaged or to behave as if willfully blind is another. In 30 seconds you have…
ACFE Report to the Nations 2022 The 12th edition of the ACFE report on occupational fraud has been released showing the global pandemic having far reaching effects on fraud, technology changing the way fraud is reported and tipoffs still the best…
Winning Voice Podcast ep 2: Hemrish Aubeelack Welcome to the second edition of the Winning Voice podcast, brought to you by the Ethics Conversation and made possible with support from Report it Now. Winning Voice is an interview series that…
Faith and fearlessness: the whistleblower’s journey There is much more that boards need to take responsibility for when it comes to protecting and enabling an ethical culture, says ethics expert, Jane Arnott. Complexities arise early when boards seek an organisational…
AU ethics programmes grow, but so does retaliation risk Even though Australian workplace ethics programmes are more common than they have been in the past, Aussie employees are also among the most likely to experience retaliation after raising concerns about…
Ethical workplace, NZ: a work in progress New research shows most Kiwi workers are confident in the honesty of their workplace but more formal avenues for those seeking ethical advice are needed. IBE’s 2021 Ethics at Work international report surveyed…
When CEOs don’t give a damn Headlines grab attention, says ethics expert Jane Arnott, and that’s needed when 70% of NZX50 CEO’s neither formally nor personally champion their Code of Ethics – such a code being a requirement of listing.…
Values aren’t like paintings: spectacular fallout happens when companies, corporations or government departments hang their values up and admire them from a distance. Along with such passive engagement comes a total lack of employee guidance and negligible referencing by management.…