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Healthcare organisations operate in an environment where ethical considerations directly impact patient outcomes. These institutions shoulder immense responsibilities, from ensuring patient safety and quality of care to protecting sensitive medical records and personal information. They must oversee complex clinical decisions…
Whistleblower tech company introduces user-friendly SaaS ethical reporting solution for Australian organisations Report It Now™, a global provider of ethical reporting services, has officially launched its operations in Australia, introducing its acclaimed software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform to the market. EthicsPro® aims…
Speaking up can unmask a range of wrongdoing – but only when accompanied by effective leadership, well-thought-through embedding of speak-up values and a well-evidenced commitment to support the reporter. All of these aspects are professionally deployed or assisted when working…
Maintaining honesty and trust is crucial for protecting your company’s reputation and success. However, managing ethical reporting duties can be challenging, especially for larger organisations with complex structures. That’s why we created EthicsPro®. What is EthicsPro®? Developed by Report It Now™,…