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New Zealand
In 30 seconds…your fresh choice under the Protected Disclosures Act 2022 Fear of retaliation is one thing. The ability to walk away, to become morally disengaged or to behave as if willfully blind is another. In 30 seconds you have…
Faith and fearlessness: the whistleblower’s journey There is much more that boards need to take responsibility for when it comes to protecting and enabling an ethical culture, says ethics expert, Jane Arnott. Complexities arise early when boards seek an organisational…
Ethical workplace, NZ: a work in progress New research shows most Kiwi workers are confident in the honesty of their workplace but more formal avenues for those seeking ethical advice are needed. IBE’s 2021 Ethics at Work international report surveyed…
When CEOs don’t give a damn Headlines grab attention, says ethics expert Jane Arnott, and that’s needed when 70% of NZX50 CEO’s neither formally nor personally champion their Code of Ethics – such a code being a requirement of listing.…
The Protected Disclosures Act 2000 is a piece of New Zealand legislation regarding whistleblowing. Simply put, it aims to protect people who raise concerns about possible wrongdoing in the workplace. It also provides redress for employees who are dismissed or…
Business ethics expert and IBE NZ representative Jane Arnott on the challenges of creating a ‘speak up culture’… Encouraging information flow and being prepared to listen to concerns should be straightforward. It’s one thing however to have a policy along…